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Leading by Leaning

Being this reliant on God for the actual outcome of things is a very edgy way to lead. We are much more accustomed to relying partly on God and partly on our own plans and thoughts if the issues at hand are really important. (Ruth Haley Barton) I love this quote from Ruth Haley Barton’s Strengthening the Soul of Your Leadership. It challenges me to the core. I know that I am often guilty of saying that I want to follow God and depend on Him and then relying mostly on myself in the crunch. What about you? It’s an interesting and challenging paradox to lead in this way. After all, we have been conditioned to think of the leader as an independent person who takes charge and who has all the answers. So what does it mean to lead from a position of dependence? To lead by leaning on God? I don’t know exactly how to answer these questions, but I believe some indicators would be:

  • A sense of calm in the midst of organizational chaos or uncertainty.
  • A willingness to publicly say “I don’t know”
  • Frequently stopping to pray about important decisions rather than praying once at the start for God to “guide” the meeting or “bless” the outcome.
  • Inviting others to pray the same way.
  • Postponing a decision or slowing the process to allow time to hear from God.
  • Having an unshakable conviction that God has spoken (once He has done so), even in the face of opposition.
One more thought: you may truly want to “lead by leaning” on God, but it will be very difficult if you try to do it alone. In the crucible of leadership, there is enormous pressure to act in the manner that is expected of American leaders – to take charge and declare the path forward. If you are serious about changing the way you lead, you need to do so in the context of community. Tell some trusted friends, preferably people within the leadership team of your church or ministry. Ask them to pray for you, encourage you, and hold you accountable. And invite them to join with you in the adventure of God-dependent leadership.]]>

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