My first interaction with Greg Holder, pastor of The Crossing, was 7 years ago as I was doing interviews for one of my books. One particular comment stuck with me: “When the church shoots its wounded, that’s not just a bad thing. It’s the exact opposite of what Jesus teaches.” But it wasn’t just the quote that grabbed my attention. The more I’ve learned about The Crossing, the more impressed I’ve become at their intentionality in creating an environment where Jesus’ teaching about unity is embedded in the culture.
That’s why I’m so excited about Greg’s book, The Genius of One: God’s Answer for Our Fractured World. The foundation for the book is Jesus’ prayer in John 17. Greg explains:
With time running out, Jesus didn’t pray for his disciples to be brave or persevering. … He didn’t pray that we’d be clever or compassionate, relevant or intelligent. He didn’t pray that we’d win debates or end world hunger. He prayed that we would be one. It must have mattered an awful lot to pray those words on that night.Of course, no one will disagree that unity is important. What makes The Genius of One valuable is Greg’s ability to weave biblical teaching and practical guidance together in a readable resource. His tone is both serious and light-hearted at the same time, with a variety of memorable illustrations that include sharks, cobras, aspen trees, train stations in India, and Pixar movies. Greg shows what unity should look like within the church and as we interact with other Christians in the world. He paints a compelling picture that despite our differences, “faith cannot be lived out effectively without the energy and influence of others.” He then says:
Can you imagine what might happen if we were a little awestruck with this work God has done among us? Would we see one another differently? Treat one other differently? Might we offer just one more drop of grace? … Might we be the last ones to pile on and the first to forgive?Indeed, that would be a powerful witness that reflects the love and the genius of our one Creator to the world. It’s easy to receive my blogs by email. Just sign-up on Feedburner by clicking here.]]>