Thriving in the Second Chair
Ten Practices for Robust Ministry (When You’re Not in Charge)
Second chair leaders play a critical role in churches across the country and beyond. They carry heavy responsibilities, lead teams of staff and volunteers, and oversee a variety of ministries. They serve in paid and unpaid positions. They are “the boss” to many, yet they are not ultimately in charge. It’s easy to understand how these leaders might feel frustrated and worn out.
Mike Bonem, co-author of Leading from the Second Chair, takes that important work to the next level, with Thriving in the Second Chair. He points readers beyond their external circumstances to the ways they can act and think differently. He highlights ten key practices that will help second chair leaders thrive, and not just survive.
Thriving in the Second Chair draws on Mike’s own experience as an executive pastor and the countless conversations he’s had as a coach and friend to second chair leaders in a variety of ministry settings. It offers proven and practical counsel that will allow their lives and ministries to be fulfilling, vital, and sustainable.