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In Pursuit of Great AND Godly Leadership


In Pursuit of Great AND Godly Leadership

Tapping the Wisdom of the World for the Kingdom of God

Is it possible for church leaders to use biblical and secular leadership concepts in a way that keeps Christ—not the marketplace—at the center of their mission? In Pursuit of Great AND Godly Leadership, church consultant and pastor Mike Bonem explores the myriad issues involved in bringing marketplace leadership practices into Christian organizations. Drawing on biblical material and business wisdom, the book explores the critical leadership decisions that shape an organization’s future and its effectiveness. 

 These decisions are illustrated in compelling interviews with over forty leaders of churches, universities, denominational bodies, and international ministries. Bonem leverages his background as an MBA-trained manager and an experienced church leader to bridge the gap between the analytical and structured world of business and the faith-driven approach that is essential for healthy churches. Covering everything from planning, finance, personnel management, and measurement to deeper, foundational concerns related to self-leadership, team dynamics, culture, and organizational change, the book helps readers discern how to adapt business-related principles in their spiritual organizations.

While Bonem presents an array of corporate concepts, his thinking is rooted in the belief that leadership is shaped by Scripture and should never violate its teachings. Written to offer practical solutions for senior pastors, executive pastors, key laypeople, and leaders of other Christian entities, In Pursuit of Great AND Godly Leadership clearly shows the ways that secular practices can be imported into their organizations. Throughout the book, Mike Bonem reveals how these leaders can discern the value of business practices and allow time and space for God to speak to their hearts. In doing so, he points to the AND that every spiritual organization should strive to achieve.

Praise for In Pursuit of Great AND Godly Leadership

“The Bible is full of strategic leadership partnerships: Moses and Aaron, Mardecai and Ester, Paul and Silas and even the Trinity. Each one demonstrates individual gifts being conjoined for maximum ministry effect. Leading from the Second Chair articulates and celebrates the necessity of God’s strategic partnerships.”
Craig Groeschel
Senior Pastor of and The author of WEIRD, Because Normal Isn’t Working
“We all know the only way a church or Christian organization truly reaches their potential, is when the human-part and God-part integrate seamlessly. Mike Bonem has done a masterful job showing leader how to thrive in that reality. If you are responsible for leading and managing people on a spiritual mission, read this book cover to cover. Get it wrong, you could disqualify yourself from leadership in ministry. Get it right and stand back and watch as God multiplies your remarkable into miraculous.”
D. Michael Lindsay
President, Gordon College and The Author of Faith in the Halls of Power