Keeping Hope Alive
Is hope one of the defining marks of your leadership? I’m not talking about daydreaming that seems totally disconnected from reality. I’m referring to hope that sees the glass as half full, not ignoring the need for improvement, but focusing on the positives that you can build on. It’s an inner belief that looks expectantly to what God will do in the future (for you and your organization).
The concluding section of The Leadership Challenge offers this advice: “Leaders must keep hope alive, even in the most difficult times.” With hope, staff members give 110%. With hope, people stay engaged and committed to the vision. Hope fuels the persistence to find solutions to the most difficult problems.
So how can a leader keep hope alive? It starts by keeping hope alive in your own soul. A leader who is not spiritually grounded can lose hope quickly. The message of the gospel and our communion with God should always give us reason for hope.
Leaders who keep hope alive also include life-giving activities in their regular rhythms. When I was on a church staff, I often went to our preschool at the afternoon pick-up time. Speaking to some of the parents and kids as they were leaving was a nice break from my normal responsibilities and it reminded me of the impact that we were having in the lives of many families.
When a leader’s soul is full hope, others are more likely to experience the overflow. But this won’t happen automatically – keeping hope alive for your team requires intentionality. Everyone wants to be on a winning team, so look for small wins that can be celebrated. Affirm the hard work that you see in others. When disappointments occur, be honest about them but also keep them in perspective. “While this didn’t work out the way we wanted, I appreciate everyone’s hard work and willingness to try something new.”
If someone invented a “hope stethoscope” and held it against the heart of your church or ministry, what would they hear? If “hope-beat” isn’t strong, what will you do to keep hope alive?
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