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Organizational Alignment

Organizational design projects identify needed changes to align the structure and systems with the vision, resulting in better outcomes.

The Problem

Organizational elements – including the organization chart, decision-making processes, and supporting systems – are often not aligned with the vision.

The Goal

Recommend changes in the structure and systems to align with the vision and improve outcomes.

The Process

Organizational changes can be particularly sensitive and often need an unbiased outside perspective. Each organizational design project is tailored to fit your specific needs and is done in close collaboration with the leadership team. Typical steps in the process are:

  • Understand current organizational challenges and obstacles
  • Review the vision, current plans, and other relevant information
  • Conduct interviews with key individuals or groups
  • Develop preliminary recommendations for review with senior leaders
  • Finalize and present recommendations in a written report


A large mainline church had been living into its new vision for two years, but they had not made any organizational changes to support the vision. Decision-making was slow and confusing, and in many cases, reporting relationships were unclear. After obtaining significant input from the staff, the organizational design project recommended a new organization chart, the creation of a new senior leadership team, and several other steps to improve effectiveness. The result was improved decision-making, communication, and alignment with the vision.

Contact me to schedule a time to discuss how an organizational design consultation might benefit for your church or ministry.